


2024年11月7日 上午 4:00





乳突癌是最常見的甲狀腺癌類型,約佔所有病例的80-90%。此類型通常有較佳的預後。在一項針對1,355名患者的長期研究中,乳突癌的30年存活率達到76%,癌症相關的死亡率僅為8%(Mazzaferri & Jhiang, 1994)。另一項涉及1,503名患者的研究顯示,乳突癌的5年、10年及15年存活率分別為98.6%、94.7%和87.4%(Sciuto et al., 2009)

濾泡癌的存活率雖略低於乳突癌,但仍屬相對較好的類型。在針對1,074例乳突癌與504例濾泡癌患者的研究中,30年後濾泡癌的癌症特異性死亡率約為20%,這主要由於遠端轉移風險較高(Simpson et al., 1988)

未分化癌是甲狀腺癌中最具侵襲性的類型,預後最差。平均存活期約僅為6個月,兩年存活率低於20%。此類型在診斷時多為第四期,且復發率超過50%(Jayarangaiah et al., 2019)。其高侵襲性常影響氣管、食道等鄰近結構,導致患者呼吸及吞嚥困難。


手術是乳突癌和濾泡癌的首選治療方法。對於腫瘤直徑超過1.5公分或有較高轉移風險的患者,建議進行近全甲狀腺切除術,以降低復發率。研究顯示,接受完整甲狀腺切除的乳突癌患者復發率為7%,而僅接受部分切除者的復發率則高達23%(Mazzaferri, 1999)

放射性碘治療是乳突癌和濾泡癌的標準治療之一,特別適合有轉移或殘餘甲狀腺組織的患者。研究顯示,接受放射性碘治療的患者10年無病存活率可達94%,且復發率降至約20%(Simpson et al., 1988)。在另一項針對高風險乳突癌患者的研究中,放射性碘治療顯著提升了20年存活率,從83%增加至超過90%(Eichhorn et al., 2003)

對於放射性碘無效的甲狀腺癌(如未分化癌及某些分化型甲狀腺癌),酪氨酸激酶抑制劑(如Lenvatinib和Sorafenib)展現出延長生存期的潛力。近期數據顯示,使用Sorafenib的患者5年無病存活率達50%左右,特別適合年齡較大或腫瘤體積較大且放射性碘無效的患者(Jayarangaiah et al., 2019)


年齡是影響甲狀腺癌預後的重要因素。45歲以下患者的長期存活率明顯優於45歲以上的患者。在一項針對乳突癌及濾泡癌的研究中,45歲以上的患者癌症相關死亡風險增加兩倍,特別是伴隨遠端轉移的患者(Simpson et al., 1987)

腫瘤直徑大於1公分的患者,其復發和遠端轉移風險較高。腫瘤分化程度越低,預後越差。未分化型甲狀腺癌通常在診斷後6個月內迅速進展,癌症相關死亡率接近80-90%,而乳突癌及濾泡癌患者的5年存活率則維持在90%以上(Loh et al., 1997)

髓質型甲狀腺癌與RET基因突變有關,具有強烈的遺傳傾向。對這類患者,建議進行基因篩查以評估風險,並密切監控家族成員,甚至在高風險情況下建議進行預防性手術以降低癌症發生風險(Coburn & Wanebo, 1992)

在兒童期接受過頭頸部放射治療或核災受害者,罹患甲狀腺癌的風險顯著增加。長期研究顯示,暴露於高輻射量的兒童甲狀腺癌風險增加達20倍(Sciuto et al., 2009)




  1. Mazzaferri, E., & Jhiang, S. (1994). Long-term impact of initial surgical and medical therapy on papillary and follicular thyroid cancer.. The American journal of medicine, 97 5, 418-28 . 
  2. Sciuto, R., Romano, L., Rea, S., Marandino, F., Sperduti, I., & Maini, C. (2009). Natural history and clinical outcome of differentiated thyroid carcinoma: a retrospective analysis of 1503 patients treated at a single institution.. Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology, 20 10, 1728-35 . 
  3. Simpson, W., Panzarella, T., Carruthers, J., Gospodarowicz, M., & Sutcliffe, S. (1988). Papillary and follicular thyroid cancer: impact of treatment in 1578 patients.. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 14 6, 1063-75 . 
  4. Jayarangaiah, A., Sidhu, G., Brown, J., Barrett-Campbell, O., Bahtiyar, G., Youssef, I., Arora, S., Skwiersky, S., & McFarlane, S. (2019). Therapeutic options for advanced thyroid cancer. International journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 5, 26 - 34. 
  5. Mazzaferri, E. (1999). An overview of the management of papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma.. Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association, 9 5, 421-7 . 
  6. Simpson, W., Panzarella, T., Carruthers, J., Gospodarowicz, M., & Sutcliffe, S. (1988). Papillary and follicular thyroid cancer: impact of treatment in 1578 patients.. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 14 6, 1063-75 . 
  7. Eichhorn, W., Tabler, H., Lippold, R., Lochmann, M., Schreckenberger, M., & Bartenstein, P. (2003). Prognostic factors determining long-term survival in well-differentiated thyroid cancer: an analysis of four hundred eighty-four patients undergoing therapy and aftercare at the same institution.. Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association, 13 10, 949-58 . 
  8. Jayarangaiah, A., Sidhu, G., Brown, J., Barrett-Campbell, O., Bahtiyar, G., Youssef, I., Arora, S., Skwiersky, S., & McFarlane, S. (2019). Therapeutic options for advanced thyroid cancer. International journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 5, 26 - 34. 
  9. Simpson, W., Simpson, W., McKinney, S., McKinney, S., Carruthers, J., Carruthers, J., Gospodarowicz, M., Gospodarowicz, M., Sutcliffe, S., Sutcliffe, S., Panzarella, T., & Panzarella, T. (1987). Papillary and follicular thyroid cancer. Prognostic factors in 1,578 patients.. The American journal of medicine, 83 3, 479-88 . 
  10. Loh, K., Greenspan, F., Gee, L., Miller, T., & Yeo, P. (1997). Pathological tumor-node-metastasis (pTNM) staging for papillary and follicular thyroid carcinomas: a retrospective analysis of 700 patients.. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 82 11, 3553-62 . 
  11. Coburn, M., & Wanebo, H. (1992). Prognostic factors and management considerations in patients with cervical metastases of thyroid cancer.. American journal of surgery, 164 6, 671-6 . 
  12. Sciuto, R., Romano, L., Rea, S., Marandino, F., Sperduti, I., & Maini, C. (2009). Natural history and clinical outcome of differentiated thyroid carcinoma: a retrospective analysis of 1503 patients treated at a single institution.. Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology, 20 10, 1728-35 . 

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# 甲狀腺癌預後因素# 未分化型甲狀腺癌# 乳突癌和濾泡癌# 甲狀腺癌治療方式# 甲狀腺癌存活率